I wanted to have a speaker in my shop that I could use for amp testing. I originally designed it to be 50W capable as I always run amps I test into a 100W dummy load and take only 1/4 of the amp power out of the load if I want to listen to it through a speaker. In this case I upgraded things a bit as I was looking at speakers. I built this one with a 75W Eminence speaker and a switchable resistor load divider. With the resistor divider I can run 100W into the speaker system and only have 1/64th of that come out the speaker. That way I don’t deafen myself testing an amp. I put one 1/4″ input jack on the back of the cabinet and a 1/4″ jack with a Speakon connector on the front.

The wood for the cabinet is New Zealand pine bought at Lowes. It’s not cheap but I like working with it and I think that when varnished it looks good. The heatsink for the power resistors was salvaged from an old stereo amp.